Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thanks for being here my friend, we're gonna do this one together.

I can't believe I went a whole week without being on this thing. I can't believe how empty my life felt without it. I actually missed blogging.
Well I definitely didn't figure out who I was in a week and I'm definitely not anywhere closer to it, but I know that it's going to be a bumpy road and that I can't do it alone.

In less than 36 hours it will be the new year, and I can honestly say that I have never looked forward to anything as much as I am looking forward to 2009. This year has seriously been the worst year of my life, in all almost 18 years of my life, no year has ever been as difficult and heart breaking as this one.
So here's to 2009! I'm ready for you :]

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