Monday, November 17, 2008

I deserve this.

"Dear Courtney,
It is my pleasure to inform you of your acceptance to Lambuth University."

I've been waiting for this letter my whole life. Not necessarily from Lambuth, but that letter that says finally, you're about to start the rest of your life.
At first I was going to go to Lambuth because New York was too far a reach. But then I wanted to go to Lambuth because that's where my boyfriend went. But then I actually wanted to go for me, because it was a great school and I could get in.
Now New York doesn't seem so far a reach, and that boyfriend that I was going to go for turned out to be a complete asshole, and now I'm not so sure I want to go for me.

BUT I am really excited because Lambuth is number two on my list of two. New York University comes first :]

I just wanted to let whoever is reading this know that I was accepted to my number two school! :]

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